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RTG – Nov 2024:  Innovation and Creativity – Creating digital resources quickly


The art and power of ‘cut and paste’

Jon Drury – Head of Russian, Sevenoaks School


1:  The HOW of the cut and paste


  1. Snipping Tool App                                            – nice functionality, useful for mouse work

  2. Prt Scr (Windows key + SHIFT + S)                  – quick and flexible

  3. Windows + Prt Scr                                            – whole screen

  4. CTRL-C                                                                -  for text, useful for manipulating (see part 3)


2:  The WHAT of the cut and paste

  1. Current affairs (dual reader)                         - (+Google translate in Chrome)

  2. LISTS (linked to texts)                                     -

  3. Grammar ‘Knowledge’ Starters                    -  as above

  4. Extension work/texts    

  5. Lesson planning templates          


3:  The WHERE of the cut and paste

  1. Using OneNote

  2. Using Word / Excel

  3. Adding stress                                                     -

  4. Using interactive Vocabulary Tools                -


(great explainer video )

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